Niecey Inspires (formerly known as With Love, Scribbles Pooh) started out as a blog that consisted of letters (posts) about my life, past and current experiences. Ever since grammar school, I remember hand writing letters to my friends and family. I didn't feel comfortable expressing myself verbally so I would write out my feelings instead. Even today, as a 30 year old, I still write handwritten letters that I will send in the mail. Yes, that's right, in a cute envelope with a stamp via United States Postal Service. It is such a lost art.
I have always enjoyed sharing my journey with others and started this blog to give others inspiration, hope and light. I decided to rename the blog, Niecey Inspires because that's what I do. I inspire people to be their best selves, whatever that looks like for them. So here is to being the authentic, unique, best version of ourselves and continuing to grow in a positive, upward direction in life.
With Love,
Scribbles Pooh <3
Inspiration. Lifestyle. Wellness Blog